I am in the process of installing Debian 2.1 for the first time.
I have gone through the process where my machine now boots into
Linux from the floppy and I can flounder around enough to see
that I have heaps of directories and files and am playing around
with commands, learning as i go.

I wonder if I have actually got the right files there to continue

I want to get the man-db, I presume that is on the cdrom
somewhere.  I can get to the cdrom directory but it wont ls

Using apt-get install man-db, I get the following:

E:Can't open /var/cashe/apt/scrpkgcace.bin -open (no such file or

I'm not surprised as i know i need to edit the sources.list ...
but i have no idea what to add to it to tell it to go to the

Help on this and any general tips appreciated, especially the
documentation on the web that might help, I have heaps but remain
stuck on this step, as I don't seem to have the exact doc I need.


Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.psybernet.co.nz                   

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