
Thanks for the reply...

> in /etc/apt/sources.list add the following lines 
> deb stable main contrib non-free
> deb stable non-US

I forgot to mention that I am not yet connected with ppp, so i
presume this won't work yet.

Does that leave me then with dselect as the only option to
procede?  dselect works but I have not managed to find the way to
tell it how to get the man-db or emacs etc.  Can that be done
from there?


> This will enable you to use apt-get
> But you can use "dselect" to install things from your 2.1 cd 
> Just choose "multi_cd" under [A]ccess and you are on your way.
> you can also get the .deb "apt-cdrom" from the unstable version
> and add the cd to sources.list by running apt-cdrom for each cd
> in your cd-set.
> To get it you will have to add
> deb unstable main contrib non-free
> deb unstable/non-US main contrib 
> non-free
> to your sources.list file
> Hope this will help you get going. 
> /Joakim

Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   

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