*- On 23 Aug, Jeff Flowers wrote about "VMWare running Debian on NT"
> Can anyone point me to url about using Slink with VMWare? I haven't found
> anything but I'm sure someone here will know.

Search the Debian-user archives at http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives
for vmware. Use the search engine at the bottom of the page.  The main
problem is that vmware expects the current kernel headers to be in
/usr/include/linux and Debian has a policy of placing only the kernel
headers for 'the supported' kernel in there.  You either have to make a
link for /usr/include/linux or modify the Makefiles in the tar files
that are in the vmware-distrib directory.  Word is that vmware will
hopefully be adding an option to tell it where the kernel headers are
instead of assumming the default of /usr/include/linux.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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