Here's where it got interesting, I found that hosts.allow and hosts.deny
both had 'all' entries, I assumed that the 'all' in hosts.deny might be
the culprit so I deleted the entry and guess what? ssh started working,
but telnet keeps hanging up. In other words, telnet connects, spits out
the escape sequence, then "connection closed by remote host"
Do the hosts.* files hae anything to do with tcp wrappers? is that why
telnet connects then hangs up?

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Ben Lutgens wrote:

> I had some problems with ssh also, can't remember what fixed it though. Are
> you trying to ssh into a debian box from a debian box? If not check that the
> port numbers match. For some reason my ssh install defaulted to 2222. Read the
> man page it is actually a real helpful one. Let me know if you need anymore
> help.
> -- 
> "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. 
> Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
> Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is "blutgens" available @ hkp://
> -- 
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