I'm having problems getting any icq client to stay up.  I was running LIcq
just fine, but recently, it crashes very shortly after I get online.
GTK-ICQ is the same way.  I've had my machine be unstable for some reason
or another and would crash long compiles (qt, kernel, etc) and more than
once fsck on bootup wouldn't be able to fix it and I'd have to fsck the
drive manually.  After these crashes is when the ICQ clones started
crashing after it logs on.  What I'm wondering is if one of the fscks
could've deleted or damaged something the ICQ clones use?  If so, does
anyone have any idea what?  I am considering re-formatting and
re-installing Debian, but I don't really want to seeing as how I've spent
so much time configuring this already.  Does anyone have any ideas of
things to try?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber          |       L    I  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055                        |       L    I  N NN  U U   X
                                    |       LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
"Shackles cannot keep me bound      |          A REAL Man's OS!
 forever.  I'm outta here."         |

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