> Can someone please help:
> 1.  ssh 2.0.13 failed on make on stock slink. I did the usual configure
> then make and then it gives me errors(sorry I don't have details here
> and I can provide that). Anyone who has successfully build ssh2 and if
> you can give me some pointers? I'm running slink with the latest update.

I've succesfully compiled and used Ssh 2.0.13 both on RH and Debian
I suggest you to check the packets needed by ssh (zlib is one of them)

> 2. At work we are just beginning to use Debian and we intend to replace
> rh with Debian. I am able to run tcpdump on Debian but not on rh6.0. The
> latter gave this error with tcpdump -i eth0:
> tcpdump: socket: Socket type not supported

You have forgot to built in in the kernel the "packet socket" in networking
or if you have compiled it as module you have to load it manually (insmod

> Thanks.
> E.LL


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