On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:

homega >would this imply the performance would be any different than if compiled
homega >it in the kernel?  Or, ppp, or other services which can be used oftenly.

the only real benefit i can see to compiling sutff as modules is:

1) if you think you may need to unload it at some point
2) if you need to load something else (i.e. isapnp) before the driver
3) everything else that is 3rd party and cant be compiled into the kernel
(like vmware modules, lm_sensors, bttv etc  ..) I have about 28 modules
that load..i wish i could get em into the kernel statically since i never
unload them but im no programmer :<

homega >probably bzImage for 2.2.x kernels?

probably..depends what your usin, msot of my kernels are about 690kB
excluding modules(so, i gotta do bzImage)

homega ># rm -rf /lib/modules/2.0.36/

i dont do this, unless its a REAL old kernel version and i never plan to
go back.

homega ># depmod -a

never had to do this..

homega ># mv /path/to/System.map /boot/System.map-2.2.10

never had to do this either..

if your are going from 2.0 to 2.2 check the changes file in in
Documentation sub directory of the kernel tree to make sure you got all
the required updates.  if your running the latest slink(r3) or potato
though you should have everything already. but it doesnt hurt to double
check :)

good luck, 2.2.10 is a good kernel, although i still dont trust 2.2.x to
servers(im just paranoid i know)


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