I dont know what exactly is installed when(if) your using a debian binary
kernel but if your compiling from source make sure you enable the Parellel
printer support option in character devices when your making the kernel.

I also suggest you cat a file directly to the port and see what
happens. at least then you know you have communication and later you can
work on the lpd/magicfilter problems.


On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:

jybarb >On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 12:12:27AM +0100, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
jybarb >> Hi all,
jybarb >> 
jybarb >> I didn't print for a long time; 
jybarb >> 
jybarb >> when I try to print a simple text file (lpr ZZZ), 
jybarb >> lpq says: "waiting for lp to become ready (offline ?)"
jybarb >
jybarb >Motherboard is an ABIT BE-6.
jybarb >Of course, // port is in the kernel.
jybarb >I also checked IEEE 1284 in my kernel 2.2.12, and on boot, it says
jybarb >'parport0: PC-Style 0x378 [SPP, PS2]'
jybarb >'parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus Photo 750'
jybarb > 
jybarb >> I check the cable, I de-installed/re-installed the 'lpr'
jybarb >> package (always using my conf files for a Epson 750, on
jybarb >> /dev/lp0). Still nothing (even under X, throught 'enscript').
jybarb >
jybarb >I also tryied to change the // port type in bios (EPP, ECP, SPP)
jybarb >nothings new :(
jybarb > 
jybarb >> Any clue??
jybarb >
jybarb >JY
jybarb >-- 
jybarb >Jean-Yves F. Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jybarb > Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is 
meant to
jybarb >be discarded:  that the whole point is to always see it as a soap 
jybarb >
jybarb >
jybarb >-- 
jybarb >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
jybarb >

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