On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:

jybarb >A MIRO PCTV (w/ bt848 chipset); that's why I think that the motherboard
jybarb >fault (well, in fact I think its the HPT366 controler fault, everything
jybarb >goes wrong, even under w$98, since its drivers are installed).

ahh ok.  My BP6 has the same controller but im not using it (100% scsi)

jybarb >I can use the SB live under Linux; under w$98, I'm obliged to suppress 
jybarb >and to re-actualize the components list to get it work.

thats odd.

jybarb >
jybarb >AFAI remember, there's also another problem: On the BH-6 board I'm 
jybarb >sure that Tekram DC-390(T) said it was 'EDGE Triggered', but now it
jybarb >*always* says it's 'LEVEL Triggered'.

the bh6 was supposed to be a solid board *sigh* another strike for abit
looks like.

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