yes it would see the new CPU, i have read nightmare tales about people
having to reinstall NT after adding a second cpu if they were not using
compaq hardware, with linux its as simple as recompiling the kernel to get
the 2nd cpu working. some distributions already come with SMP kernels and
work fine in UP mode.i have had good luck with 2.2.10 on the 2.2.x side
and 2.0.36 on the 2.0.x side for SMP.


On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

litban >
litban >
litban >On 31 Dec 1999, Scott Henry wrote:
litban >> Not those specific machines.
litban >
litban >SGI?
litban >> 
litban >> There are separate kernels for one CPU and multiple CPUs (aka SMP). 
litban >> You need a whole new kernel, since the changes are intrusive and
litban >> wide-spread. But it's done with a single sleection in `make
litban >> menuconfig`, the first step in compiling your own kernel. Note that
litban >> all modules need to be recompiled as well.
litban >
litban >I'm quite familiar with recompiling Linux kernel.
litban > 
litban >> A standard uniprocessor kernel runs on a multi-processor system, so
litban >> installation, etc, works.
litban >
litban >Problem is, the machine is currently running on a single-processor, and
litban >I'd like to know whether if I add a new processor card on the machine, 
litban >kernel would recognize the added CPU (after recompiling the kernel, of
litban >course).
litban >
litban >Oki
litban >
litban >
litban >-- 
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litban >

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