In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 01/17/00 
   at 01:24 PM, Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I hate to prolong this thread, but I have to ask ... Who the hell cares? And
>what is the relevance to Debian?

Don't know about the _thread_, but do know that sometimes I have questions
that I really don't know how to get help for, and so post an OT message. 

I don't expect a reply to the list on those, but am simply hoping someone
would be kind enough to write to _me_ if they have the knowledge. Sort of
like calling across the hall at work and asking the person if they know the
answer to something. But bear in mind that I don't post without trying all
that I know for help. And sometimes people read docs and simply don't pick
something up because they aren't a computer scientist.

I don't subscribe to a bunch of high volume lists.  Can't bear the load. 
Don't like the newsgroups because of the denigrating attitudes I've
encountered there. This list is a good resource for me which I try not to
abuse with OT's, but there are times when I come here with them.

What people need to do with OT messages is to carry them off list once a
contact is made.  This would solve others' irritations and be a responsible
use of bandwidth.


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