> Hi, 
>     My box running slink here would like to do the
> potato upgrade but I'm concerned that it might run 
> out of disk space:
> Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             296633  248813    32500     88%   /
> /dev/hda3             675175  343296   297003     54%   /home
> Safe to upgrade?
Your likely to have to put the archives directory on /home.
The downloaded .deb's go into /var/cache/apt/archives.  You can
get stuff in small chunks and clean in between apt-get's.  Or, you
can use a sym link to put the archives tree over on /home so
you have more download space.  At the end, "apt-get clean" and
put the original archives dir back in place.


> tia,
> -Mark
> -----
> "I know everything we've done is absolutely right and proper"
>                 --Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on MSNBC, 01/13/00
> -----
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