Here on campus where I work we've managed to stay away from
MS-Exchange by running the older MS-Schedule+. Now that W2K
is upon us, with it's integrated Outlook that breaks
MS-Schedule, the campus will have to find an alternative or
install an MS-Exchange server and allow the Evil Empire to
gain an even stronger grip on the campus.

What this boils down to is: Is there a program for Linux
that will do essentially the same thing as Schedule+?

For those of you unfamiliar with Schedule+: I need a
calendar program that is networked. For example, I can open
my Schedule+ file, and then specify that John Doe has Read
access to it over the network and Jane Doe has Change access
to it over the network and Everyone else has no access to

What I'd really like is a cross-platform calendar, like if
Star Office's StarSchedule-thingy would work like this. Then
I can gradually influence campus away from

Hopefully someone knows of exactly the right thing.


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