i'd look into lotus notes, it requires glibc2.1 ..so if u use debian u
need potato.. but it has the name and the support behind it to convince
the dumbass suits to use linux :/

we'd run it at my other job but they dont want to spend $1200 for the
software.  with notes to get that functionality you need the mail server
which is about $1200. you do not have to replace your existing mail server
but can if you like + license fees for each client($40 or so?? not sure)


On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Kent West wrote:

westk >Here on campus where I work we've managed to stay away from
westk >MS-Exchange by running the older MS-Schedule+. Now that W2K
westk >is upon us, with it's integrated Outlook that breaks
westk >MS-Schedule, the campus will have to find an alternative or
westk >install an MS-Exchange server and allow the Evil Empire to
westk >gain an even stronger grip on the campus.
westk >
westk >What this boils down to is: Is there a program for Linux
westk >that will do essentially the same thing as Schedule+?
westk >
westk >For those of you unfamiliar with Schedule+: I need a
westk >calendar program that is networked. For example, I can open
westk >my Schedule+ file, and then specify that John Doe has Read
westk >access to it over the network and Jane Doe has Change access
westk >to it over the network and Everyone else has no access to
westk >it.
westk >
westk >What I'd really like is a cross-platform calendar, like if
westk >Star Office's StarSchedule-thingy would work like this. Then
westk >I can gradually influence campus away from
westk >MS-Office/Windows.
westk >
westk >Hopefully someone knows of exactly the right thing.
westk >
westk >Thanks.
westk >
westk >
westk >-- 
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westk >

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