> stupid question, maybe, but is there any way to change to local time after
> having chosen universal time when installing debian? if so, how do it do it?

   Don't you just love little things like that? :-)  A "man tzconfig"

The  Debian  GNU/Linux  system gains its knowledge of this
setting from the file /etc/default/rcS.   This  file  conĀ­
tains  either  the line GMT="-u", which indicates that the
hardware clock is set to UTC,  or  it  contains  the  line
GMT="",  which declares the hardware clock is set to Local

   Of course, that man page ain't exactly correct:-), but looking at
/etc/default/rcS will clue you in.

 Regards, | Moore's Law: Every 2 years CPU power will double.
 .        | 
 Randy    | Gates' Law: Every 18 months software speed will halve.

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