On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:10:35PM -0600, Bryan Walton wrote:
> Greetings,
>       Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
> a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
> Any ideas about what this means?

The program "updatedb" needs to run regularly to update your locate database.

- Take a look at you /etc/crontab.  Mine shows:
  # m h dom mon dow user  command
  40 6    * * *   root    run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
  If you look in /etc/cron.daily directory, you will see a "find"
  script, and if you look in that, you will see it calls updatedb.  In
  my case it runs at 6:40am every morning (I think that is a non
  standard time that I chose). If my computer isn't powered up at that
  time, it wouldn't run.  Is that your case?

- I have a potato machine I upgraded from slink a few months ago.  It
  seemed like there was a typo in one of the scripts (or something like
  that) which caused this problem as you described, even if the machine
  was left on.  I think the problem got fixed when I did an apt-get
  upgrade.  I might be wrong about this, it's been a while . . .

- If in doubt, run "updatedb" as root before doing a locate (like if you
  just installed new packages and want to do a search).


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

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