You're looking in the right place (/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot) for the
zImage file. If it's not there, your description is missing some detail
that, if we know it, would explain what happened. A couple of possibilities:

1. You never mention actually making the symlink "ln -s
/usr/src/linux-2.2.14 /usr/src/linux". Might you (somehow) have compiled a
2.2.14 kernel but be lookin in the directory for the 2.0.36 source?

2. You don't mention doing the "make dep" step (right before "make zImage").
Did you omit it only in your e-mail recap or in the actual compile?

3. "make zImage" will, even for a successful install, generate a lot of
output to the screen. Are you sure there were no errors? You get a prompt
even if the compile ends with an error.

These are just guesses. If none of them hits the maek, review what you did a
bit more carefully. Since your description skipped over a couple of steps
that I know are needed for a successful compile, I have to assume it may
have left out other things as well.

At 01:55 PM 5/22/00 -0700, cls--colo spgs wrote:
>i'm working on my first kernel recompile. i'm at the
>point where i need to move the recompiled kernel to the
>to boot location.  unfortunately, i cannot find the
>recompiled kernel.
>detailed synopis (pursant to's,
>linux-2.2.14.tar.gz "readme"):
>1.  currently running potato on kernel 2.0.36.
>2.  downloaded "linux-2.2.14.tar.gz" (from
> to /usr/src.
>3.  as root and from /usr/src, i ran "tar xvzf
>4.  cd to /usr/src/linux
>5.  ran "make mrproper"
>6.  ran "make config"
>7.  configured the kernel
>8.  ran "make zImage"
>9.  tried to find the newly recompiled kernel
>(zimage?/linux?) in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot.  all
>that's there is: makefile, bootsect.s, compressed,
>, setup.s, tools, and video.s.
>i didn't see error messages during the process and i
>always got a prompt after "make" commands.
>q:  where may i find the newly recompiled kernel?  
>q:  will it have a name other than zimage or linux?

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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