>>>>> "Peter" == Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Peter> Felix Natter wrote:

    >> john s jacobs anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> > Oh, I'm with you -- I'll often use vi for small edits, even if I have
    >> > XEmacs open on another desktop, just because doing the edit 'in-line'
    >> > in an xterm fits my work-flow better. Again, it's all about choosing
    >> > the right tool for the job.
    >> you can do emacs -nw ("no windowing").

    Peter> Or use gnuserv.

 I use the attached script as EDITOR, and make sure that xemacs has
 been told to `gnuserv-start'.  `fuser' is part of the `psmisc'

Attachment: xg
Description: Binary data

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