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Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     So far all the Linux clients have taken the Eudora/Lookout!/Pegasus
> approach to email.  Either everything goes into a single inbox and
> you need to filter out from there and set up "personalities" or you
> filter to completely separate accounts and use completely separate
> programs to access them.  To me that is unacceptable.

You've been given one answer earlier in the thread: Gnus. 

It is capable of doing each of the requirements I've seen you list at
various times. Granted, some of them are non-trivial to set up, and
are going to require a bit of work, and maybe even (the horrors!) some
Lisp coding, but the potential is there.

At this point, you can reiterate again how unacceptable this solution
is, due to the need to use (X)Emacs -- but I think you're off base
here. You're making the traditional "Emacs is an editor"
fallacy. Emacs isn't an editor, it's a Lisp interpreter with some bias
towards text editing commands. You're going to need *something* that
elaborate to handle the logic flow of your "keep separate things
separate" scheme, I think.

Alternatively, I point you towards VINE, which is like Gnus, but
totally different. Perl instead of Lisp, VI(m) instead of Emacs, and
just getting started as opposed to (relatively) old and stable.


- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
           [ John S Jacobs Anderson ]------><URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog ]------><URL:http://genehack.org>
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