Juergen Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The first time I tried to install Debian on that machine, I installed
>the base system from floppies. Then, when I tried to install X by
>issuing an 'apt-get install task-x-window-system', I got an internal
>error after downloading the necessary files (if I was still  at a
>download speed <=56K, the machine wouldn't be in one piece anymore,
>making my question moot). I think I'll obtain a CD and try again.

OK, annoying, but still nothing to do with the card :-)

>But say, don't you have to specify the card you want to use when you
>set the X system up? Or did Debian autoprobe your Voodoo card? If you
>actually had to specify a card, which one did you pick?

Haven't a clue, I'm afraid. I got my Voodoo card long after installing
Debian, and judging from /etc/X11/XF86Config I just re-ran xf86config. I
have the following Device section:

  # Device configured by xf86config:
  Section "Device"
      Identifier  "Voodoo3 (generic)"
      VendorName  "3dfx"
      BoardName   "Voodoo3 2000"
      #VideoRam    16384
      # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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