Ganabus back door
Netbus back door
Netbus Picture back door.

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Svante Signell wrote:

> Anyone knows what port 12345TCP is used for and which OSes are
> vulnerable? (my guess is w9x) I'm getting portscanned every now and
> the on this specific port. Other (known) ports are 31337UDP Back Orifice,
> 20034 NetBus Pro etc. but which one is corresponding to 12345?
> Ports being attacked the last year (some more than once):
> 1TCP: tcpmux
> 79TCP: finger
> 119TCP: nntp
> 143TCP: imap2
> 161UDP: snmp
> 1524TCP: ingreslock
> 12345TCP: ??
> 20034TCP: Netbus Pro
> 31337UDP: Back Orifice
> Note: I am on a dial-up connection. For you with fixed network access,
> how often do this happen, a few times a day?
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 
3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants 
from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one 
word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series 
of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, 
Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
        My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some 
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, 
not a
Knowledge Engineer!'" --dump() on slashdot

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