On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 12:04:11PM +0100, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
> brian moore wrote:
> > The Pjbox does.  Works great.  You can get one from thinkgeek: they're a
> Yes, the pjbox is nice.  Unfortunately ThinkGeek won't ship outside the
> US.  And with the current rate Euro/Dollar it costs a fortune, too.

Hrrrm.. you sure they won't?  http://www.thinkgeek.com/faq.html#overseas
says they will, except for things like a case of caffeine-laden liquids
cause the cost of shipping on them would be insane. (But that you should
be able to order them if you're really deviant, they just disabled that
on the web page.)

> Dammit!

http://www.pjbox.co.uk/ -- ordering from another .eu country should be
easier.  (Wow... a 20G model?  Poop, I want one...  Only gripe is I wish
they'd semi-officially support upgrading the capacity....)

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf "Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n", map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= "C" x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

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