>> >The little baby 64M players, I don't see the point of.  I don't know what
>> >song I want -next-, let alone for the next hour, or "you're stuck with
>> >this hours worth of music all day".  Icky.
>> Wrong...64MB is plenty for when I go running.  It's very lightweight
>> and durable.  Besides, I'd rather not run around with a hard drive
>> in my hand.  It all depends on what you use it for.
>Excuse me?
>How pretentious of you to state that an hours worth of music, which is
>fine for you, should also be fine for me to take to work for 10 hours.

Settle down now...I simply stated that there reasons to make a 64M player. To
me, a 64M player is not "icky" at all. That's all I'm saying:)

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