On 15 May 2001 21:04:07 CEST, Thomas Hess said:

> hi,
>  I have some trouble with galeon, when I run it as user it crashes with a
>  Segmentation-fault before showing the browser-window, started as root it
>  works fine.
>  It seems like I need to set some permissions for my user-account. I gave
>  rw-permissions for user recursiv for /usr/lib/mozilla and
>  /usr/share/galeon, but no effect.
>  Has anyone of you experienced the same error, or any idea what may be the
>  problem?

some more details to the problem:
- skipstone loads as user and root but can't load any page
- nautilus-mozilla crashes with the same gnome-error-dialog as galeon
(running as user, not tried as root)
- mozilla standalone is working fine (but as slow at it is)
- this are the packages i've installed:
> dpkg -l | grep -i mozilla
ii  galeon         0.10.4         Mozilla-based web browser with the GNOME
ii  mozilla        0.9-0.0.3      An Open Source WWW browser for X and
ii  mozilla-dev    0.9-0.0.3      Header files for Mozilla development
ii  nautilus-mozil 1.0.3-2.1      Nautilus component for use with Mozilla
ii  skipstone      0.7-2          Web Browser based on mozilla's embed


Thomas Hess mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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