On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 11:39:46AM -0700, Francois Gouget wrote:
>    I can't help for cookies. But for bookmarks, I long ago decided to
> write an html file with all by bookmarks and use it as my home page. At
> the time I did it to share them between IE and Netscape but the
> principle is universal.
>    It also lets me move my bookmarks from one machine to another just by
> copying a file. It's just a bit harder to add a new bookmark.

I know, I tried that once, but adding a bookmark is a real PITA, as is
editing them.  Of course it's doable, but far away from being as simple as
few clicks in the browser.

And actually you don't even have move your bookmarks, just put the
bookmark file in your homepage somewhere.

A little browsing brought XBEL¹ to my attention.  Now it looks like
exactly the solution I was looking for.  Unfortunately it seems that only
Konqueror supports that format natively, galeon uses also XML but in some
internal format, AFAICT.

I think I will take a look at how to adjust galeon to use XBEL natively
too, as soon as I have the time.  Maybe someone is willing to define a
common format for cookies. :)

Hmm, now that I started thinking about it, a lot of browser configuration
could be collected in one place.  How many times have you cursed at the
different default fonts in different browsers?  Or the proxy settings?
(I have http_proxy environment variable set, but sometimes it looks like
browsers that provide their own configuration variables for proxies,
ignore it altogether.)

Too much work for a quick hack, any takers? :)

1. The XML Bookmark Exchange Language, 

Tommi Komulainen                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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