also sprach Willi Dyck (on Thu, 17 May 2001 06:37:42PM +0200):
> Linux is less secure
> "Open source" means that anyone can get a copy of the source code.
> Developers can find security weaknesses very easily with Linux. The same
> is not true with Microsoft Windows.
> Damn! How can I protect my Business now? I think I will switch to
> windows just to be sure my data is secure.

because obviously, if only micro$oft can look at the code, then noone
else can find bugs *and* micro$oft has complete control over security.

i love especially how they refer to the Ramen worm as a classic
example of how open source can be used to exploit. are they fscking
stupid or do they open themselves up for attack on melissa et al.
grounds as a result of overtly disgusting strives for masochism.

read the case studies. i love especially the TÜV one which first
states objectively the research they did, and then goes into
subjective mode and use of emotional words to explain how "great"
their research is and how you should look at it if you consider


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
stay the patient course.
of little worth is your ire.
the network is down.

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