also sprach D-Man (on Thu, 17 May 2001 02:11:46PM -0400):
> """
> Limited Developer Tools
> There are limited developer tools available for Linux. Those that are
> available are much more difficult to use than Microsoft Visual Studio.
> Thus, the same application can take much longer to develop for Linux.
> """

yup. i rofl'd a bunch at that one. i mean, after all you can't use any
wizards on unix. which means that you write code, not macros :->.

> PS.     This company is a Java shop and doesn't use Visual Studio at
>         all, except for Visual Source Safe.  It is similar to rcs, but
>         with a gui frontend.  I don't have much experience with cvs,
>         but I know it is far superior!  (The gui of VSS is nice,
>         sometimes, though)

it's similar to cvs indeed. with the difference that visual source
safe is known to corrupt the repository every now and then. i have
worked in a couple of scenarios with visual source safe and was always
surprised to find all the developers keeping their local copies backed
up several times. after a little while, it was obvious - every month
or so, visual source save four fsck up and the repository had to be
rebuilt... i have *never* had a problem with cvs!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"may your future be limited only by your dreams."
                                                  -- christa mcauliffe

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