On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 06:26:43PM +0100, john gennard wrote:
> I'm trying to install a .deb package which depends on libc6>=2.1.97
> and have been unable to locate it. I run Potato and only have
> v.2.1.3-13 of libc6.

From the sound of it, you're trying to install a package from woody or
sid on your potato system.  You can't really do that directly.  woody is
based on glibc 2.2, while potato is 2.1.  They are not necessarily
binary compatible.  What you should do is download the source for the
debian package.  Put a deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list that looks
something like this:
deb-src http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian unstable main contrib non-free
Then run apt-get update.

After that, you'll be able to do to 'apt-get source -b foo' where foo is
the Debian package you want.  That will pull the source down, apply the
necessary Debian patch, and build a new .deb for you.  Note that it will
do it in the current directory, so it's best to make a new directory for
such a build.

If the build fails, you may not have all the source dependencies.
Potato's apt-get doesn't support source dependency checking (though
woody's will).  Check the debian/control file in the unpacked source
archive for a Build-Depends line, which will list the packages necessary
to compile the package.


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