On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 05:27:04PM +0200, Ellenkamp, Guus wrote:
| I have an MAD-16 soundcard and thought I installed all the required stuff,

I am not familiar with this one.

| but program's don't recognize the card. How to install correctly?

You need to edit a file in /etc/modutils (I think
/etc/modutils/local_config is a good name) and include some lines like

alias sound sb
options sb io=0x500 irq=5 dma=1

and then run 'update-modules' as root.  I don't have my box in front
of me, but the options I have in my config are for my old system which
had an ESS1869 card.  From RTFM-ing I learned that it uses the 'sb'
module and by checking windows I found the right options for io base,
irq, and dma channel (the ones above are just random numbers).  If you
choose the wrong option for, eg, dma you will get sound but it will be
very very crappy.

So basically, RTFM to find out which module you need for that sound
card and then figure out which options you need to specify for it.
Either check windows (if you have it dual-booting) or maybe others can
suggest ways of determining that info directly from linux.


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