On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 01:53:36AM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
| On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:44:06AM -0400, D-Man wrote:
| > 
| > You need to edit a file in /etc/modutils (I think
| > /etc/modutils/local_config is a good name) and include some lines like
| The file is /etc/modules.conf

Not on Debian.  What happens is every time you run "update-modules"
the /etc/modules.conf file gets overwritten.  Any changes you make are
lost.  The way update-modules works is it concatenates all the files
found under /etc/modutils together and writes them to
/etc/modules.conf (with some comments, etc).  Pick any file you want
(even create your own) under /etc/modutils and then run update-modules
and it will work fine.  You are right, however, that if you don't run
update-modules you won't see any change (updates).  Also, if you (and
every package, etc, on your system) never runs update-modules then you
can edit /etc/modules.conf directly.


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