Thus spake Jeremy on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 01:27:16AM -0500:
> Hi,

Good Morning,

> <...>
> I have a series of variables that I'm importing to a bash script from another
> file, and I need a way to run a loop to echo the contents of each one in
> sequence.  As an example, say this file has the following:
> var1=data1
> var2=data2
> var3=data3
> var4=data4
> Is there some way I can make my script start with var1 and echo each one
> through var4 WITHOUT hardcoding each seperate variable into the script?
> <...>

I'm not sure if I understand you right, but I think the 'eval' builtin
could possibly help you:


read a
while  [ -n "$a" ];
        eval "$a"     # assigns 'data1' to 'var1', etc...

        # getting the names of the variables:
        tmp_var=$( echo "$a" | cut -d\= -f 1 )

        # and the datas:
        tmp_data=$( echo "$a" | cut -d\= -f 2 )

        eval "$tmp_var=foobar"   # does var1=foobar

        read a

echo $var1    # should output "foobar"

> Thanks,
> Jeremy

I don't know what you intend to do with this, so I can't help you more,

"To YOU I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition."
-- Woody Allen

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