On Wednesday 28 November 2001 01:39 pm, Martin F Krafft wrote:
> * Dragos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.11.28 13:43:56+0200]:
> > LOCKFILE=$HOME/.lockmail
> you don't need that. Maildir needs no lockfiles.
point taken
> > I'll put .procmailrc in /etc/skel before I start creating users.
> now you need to worry about your users and prevent them from changing
> that. if they don't know what they are doing, they could destroy their
> own mail delivery and cause a DoS on your mail server.
that could be a problem, I can't just change shell to /bin/false because of 
anyway, the users won't have acces to the shell; they're just winozers; I'll 
let sshd connect only those approved be me. (which it would be me - how 
> > The next step for me is to install amavis-perl/amavisd, make postfix
> > deliver to amavis (mailbox_command = /usr/bin/amavis, or something
> > alike), scan mails
> /usr/bin/scanmails
I have no ideea what you're talking about
> > for viruses, and deliver via procmail to maildir.
> i think it does that automagically.
amavisd delivers scanned mail to procmail; I'm pretty sure about it
> > I'll also have to find an pop3 server who can read maildirs...
> spop3d (solid-pop3d) is what i use and it's fair.
> courier-pop3 is definitely better, but available only in woody and up.
I'll give it a try
> \so long
thanks, dragos
> Martin F. Krafft <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> AERAsec Network Services and Security GmbH

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