On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 11:38, Simon Hepburn wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 Mar 2002 11:14 am, Patrick Kirk wrote:
> >
> > One more thing - how can I tell what version I'm running of X?
> In an xterm or from the console do
> #X -version

XFree86 Version / X Window System

Google led me to an article where xfstt was mentioned.  Apt-get
installed it.  Also added the 7101 lie to XF86Config.  Made no
difference.  Rebooted and now instead of staring at horrible spidery
fonts I have nece clear ones.

Windows still does a lot better jon on www.theregister.com and it shows
them as a lot larger.  If there's an obvious thing I need to know to
improve on this please let me know.


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