on Thu, May 23, 2002, Craig Dickson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Glyn Millington wrote:
> > When woody emerges, what's the best champagne?
> By definition, one from Champagne, France -- anything else is not
> champagne, only sparkling wine (not that that can't be good; I'm just
> being picky about the nomenclature -- then again, I've yet to find a
> "sparkling wine" to match a really good French champagne).
> For a really superb champagne, something like Krug is unbeatable, but it
> costs $100 or more for a bottle. For US $30-50, Taittinger, Veuve
> Clicquot, or Moet & Chandon (not Domain Chandon, which is an American
> subsidiary of M&C) is a good choice -- brut (dry) or demi-sec (somewhat
> sweet) according to your preference.
> If you want to spend less than US $30, then unless you find a real
> bargain somewhere, you're stuck with California sparkling wines, in
> which case Domain Chandon is a reasonable choice.

Pity there's nobody on the list living in Napa serving the wine

We've sampled Gloria Ferrer Fridays at work, it's passable dry bubbly.
I should ask around for some local picks.

I'm coming up with another reason to recommend Debian:  what _other_
distro has 100+ post flamewars on beer?


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   The Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act:
     Feinstein's answer to Enron envy.

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