On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 04:46:29AM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:

> Actually, the amazing thing is that it hasn't been a flamewar at all,
> aside from a few mildly inflammatory remarks from Australians and
> Canadians (two countries whose inhabitants are well-known for their
> inferiority complexes). Fortunately, most Americans have learned by
> now to take such remarks in stride.

To make an observation, Americans have this bizarre superiority complex. 
Oregonians, and to a lesser degree, Idahoans, tend to look in from the
outside at the rest of the US wondering what planet the rest of America
beamed in from.  Not that northern Idaho has much room to speak on this
right now, but I've been told that the groups that removed speaking room
aren't exactly welcome there themselves.

> (Hah. NOW we'll have a flamewar.)

Only because you trolled for it.


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