On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 12:12:11AM +0200, Ivo Wever wrote:
> That doesn't explain why other dists are used in production environments. It
> doesn't explain why RedHat has such a huge market share. Or am I really
> overestimating the capabilities of the majority of the admins?

Probably.  More significant though, is marketing.  Most of us here agree
that Windows isn't the best OS around, but it's got the largest userbase
because of marketing and because it's what comes preinstalled on most PCs.
Is it much of a stretch to assume that Red Hat is the most-used Linux
distro because of marketing and being the most-often-preinstalled distro
on PCs that come with Linux?

(Not an anti-RH flame, although I personally don't care for any rpm-based
distro I've encountered, just a reminder that, in the modern world,
marketing seems to be a more powerful force than technical merit.)

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