On 2002.06.18 13:42 Duane Clark wrote:
YUFUFI wrote:
I'm using winestuptk

and it put some line for dlls :

; default for all other dlls
"*" = "builtin, native, so"

I'm not pointing a window dir right now. 'cos whether I point it or not.
wine can't find same dlls like

(Please trim your posts)
Wine doesn't automatically know where the DLLs have been put, and I don't know where debian puts them, but likely either /usr/lib/wine or /usr/local/lib/wine.

Debian stores the *.{dll,drv}.so files from the libwine package in /usr/lib/wine. You can get a full list of files installed by running running 'dpkg -L libwine'. You can also run 'dpkg -S <filename>' to determine which package a particular file comes from (e.g., 'dpkg -S kernel32.dll.so').


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