Hi !

now that's strange for me:
Eddie: # apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages have been kept back
  fvwm initrd-tools lynx-ssl mjpegtools mplayer-k6 snd transcode 

Eddie: # dpkg --get-selections fvwm initrd-tools lynx-ssl mjpegtools
mplayer-k6 snd transcode fvwm                                           
hold initrd-tools                                    install
lynx-ssl                                        install
mjpegtools                                      install
mplayer-k6                                      install
snd                                             install
transcode                                       install

Why are the "install" packages kept back ?
Markus Grunwald

Registered Linux User Nr 101577      http://www.grunwald.2xs.de
http://counter.li.org                (hier pgp/gpg public key)

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