On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 01:33:31PM -0400, Ian D. Stewart wrote:
| On 2002.06.20 22:02 Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

| >Thanks all for the correct details.  Isn't it great when the fix is
| >released *before* the worm?
| Actually, it wasn't.  This exploit has been reported in the while for 
| at least a week.  In fact, from what I understand, there were some hard 
| feelings between the Apache Foundation and ISS explicitly because they 
| (the Apache Foundation) weren't notified in time to release a patch 
| before ISS reported the exploit.

Oh, that's not so fun.  At least my front page doesn't say "Ramen" ;-).



You have heard the saying that if you put a thousand monkeys in a room with a
thousand typewriters and waited long enough, eventually you would have a room
full of dead monkeys.
                                (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

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