One list issue also that I hate to bring up given the "Unsubscribe"
    thread :-)  and I did send the question to
    but have received no answer (though two days is not unreasonable :-). I
    found this list on GMANE also so I can follow it and post from my NR.
    The problem is that I still also get the emails and am reluctant to send
    an "unsubscribe" fearing I might then not be able to post from my NR.
    Is this a catch-22?

    Thank you for your patience,
    Lee C

FWIW - I got a reply from listmaster that I could avoid the emails without thwarting NR posting by subscribing to their pseudo-mailinglist "whitelist" and then unsubscribing from debian-user.

This NR post is a test of such.

So, one issue down and I'm looking into your generous replies on the other issues.

Thank you,
Lee C

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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