> Dear Debian Support,
> Our K-8 elementary/middle school is considering the use of a Debian Linux
> machine as a cache proxy server and web filter.  We have a strictly
> Windows environment at this time and have No Linux experience.
> I was reading some of the Debian documentation on your web site and have a
> computer science background.  I have read an article titled "How To Set Up
> A Debian Linux Proxy Server" and remember using Unix in the early 1980's.
> My question is:  Can I set up an i386 computer with Debian Linux, Squid,
> and a webfilter (SquidGuard or DansGuardian) to act as a cache proxy
> server on our network?  We already have a gateway (router) and a
> file/printer server (Windows Server 2003).  I just want the Linux machine
> to act as a cache proxy server and web filter.  I do NOT want the Linux
> machine to act as a router/gateway.  I do NOT want the Linux machine to
> act as a web page or e-mail server.
> I realize that I will need to configure our web browsers to utilize the
> proxy server.
> Is the use for Debian Linux a good choice for this application?
> Randy Houk
> Saints Simon and Jude School
> Pittsburgh, PA USA

Although, I use Debian for everything else Linux, I use IPCop
(http://ipcop.org) for what you are wanting.  I think it would be a lot
simpler for you to setup for that purpose than Debian, as that is what
it's designed to do from the ground up.


No man is an island if he's on at least one mailing list.

Wednesday Sep 27, 2006


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