On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 06:24:51PM +0000, del wrote:
> Hello to all,
> So to the questions, 
> 1) How to remove?

you need to make it a linux file system partition (cfdisk or similar)
then you create a file system on it  (mkfs)
this will make it a seperate partition and will not join it to any
adjcent partition space. This may be possible to resize an adjcent space
to add the new space, but its complex and risky.

> 2) What to name it to survive a re-install?

what ever install you use, just be careful with the 'partitioning step'.
Don't use the automatic one and make sure that you dont delete the partition
that you want to save.

> 3) Is it possible to have a second home?

no. each user has one home. But you can add mount points inside your
home. Or you can make a seperate "data files" mount point for all users
to store file.

> 4) How could I have found the answer myself in the Debian archives to
>    save asking here?

Its not a debian-specific question. It requires an understading of
partitioning schemes. This is a general computer issue with some
particular unix/Debian details.

> 5) And Is there a tutorial on looking this kind of thing up in say 
>    Google Groups?

not sure. maybe google for 'debian partitioning scheme"

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