del wrote:
I would now like to remove the 2K partition to regain the space for use
for MP3s.  Would I be able to have a second "home" so it will not be
wiped if I need to re-install at some time, say when I break my machine
upgrading to Etch later this year :)

1) How to remove?
2) What to name it to survive a re-install?
3) Is it possible to have a second home?
4) How could I have found the answer myself in the Debian archives to
   save asking here?
5) And Is there a tutorial on looking this kind of thing up in say Google Groups?
I am not aware of a Linux tool comparable to "Partition Magic" which allows a partition to be "moved". (But even with PM, the partition is not moved in actuality.)

Use fdisk or cfdisk to delete the partition, then create a new Linux partition from the resulting free space. Then create a filesystem (ext2 or ext3) in the new partition. Then edit "/etc/fstab" to mount and name the partition. Then reboot.

You can't have two partitions named "home", but you can name a partition whatever you wish, such as "home.backup".

When installing Debian, the partitioner allows you to decide whether to preserve a partition and whether to preserve the data on the partition. But for your purpose, it likely is a better solution to plug in a second drive and place the backup for "home" on the second drive; that way, you are not constrained in your partitioning scheme when you re-install.

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