On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 02:05:31PM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> I'm getting a new Thinkpad Z61M and shall be installing Debian
> (naturally!). When I last did this on a Thinkpad a couple of years ago I
> just deleted the Windows partition completely, but I have found, *very*
> rarely, that I needed it. 
> I'd therefore like to keep Windows, at least for the moment, so I'll
> need to shrink its partition. Two questions:
> a. How small could its partition be? Would 10 GB be enough, or too much?
> b. 3.5: If I understand the Debian Installation manual correctly, I can
> do this by simply selecting a different size for the partition during
> the installation process. 
>       "If your machine has a FAT or NTFS filesystem, as used by DOS
>       and Windows, you can wait and use Debian installer's
>       partitioning program to resize the filesystem."
> Won't this destroy all the Windows stuff?

usual caveats apply, but: nope. 

I've done it twice in recent months and it works just fine. It will
cause a windows checkdisk run on the next windows boot (and that's a
good thing). 


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