On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 09:18:06AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> It depends on the country it's practiced whether this is a bad thing.  The
> US would be highly compatible as all power of the government flows from the
> citizen to the government, not the other way around.  Democratic socialism
> compliments democracy and maintains the citizen's control.  This isn't your
> grandfather's Soviet socialism.
Umm, how does democratic socialism maintain the citizen's control when
the government *heavily* taxes the citizens and then decides how best to
spend the money.  I would hardly call that citizens maintaining control.
That is more like them turning control over to the government.

> That's patently false.  Socialism is an economic model, not a political one.

First sentence:

"Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements
that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the
distribution of wealth are subject to social control."

You want to revise your statement?

> The government was created by the people, for the people.  If you don't like
> it, it's because you aren't active in getting your voice out.  Take
> advantage of your jurisdiction's sunshine laws and go to the capital unless
> you want people like me to be your voice.
Except that "by the people, for the people" does not ever translate to
"cede control".



Roberto C. Sanchez

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