On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 03:29:10PM EDT, Amy Templeton wrote:
> I probably should've put this in the last email I sent out,
> but it is kind of off-topic for that and it just occurred to
> me.
> Since installing Debian (a while back), I'm unable to get
> back to a TTY after I invoke startx.
> I occasionally post on the Debian User Forums under the name
> LadyDoor (not out of any desire to be deceptive but because
> I am for some reason a teense more weird/OCD about posting
> on fora than about posting to (publicly-available on the
> Internet) mailing lists, though I was once weird about that
> too. I know that that's backwards since you can hide your
> email address on the forum, but whatever), and have posted
> there about this and also searched google, but have yet to
> come up with anything that actually solved the problem.
> Mainly, what has been suggested is to comment the line in
> xorg.conf (or maybe it was another file in /etc/X11/) that
> tells X *not* to let me switch back. This line, however,
> doesn't exist anywhere in my /etc/X11 directory, so as far
> as I can tell that isn't the problem.

So what's your point, exactly?

> I thought that maybe the problem was that my window manager
> of choice is stumpwm from CVS (which is great! The only
> problem is occasionally having to explain to people that
> that's not "how Linux looks" but that there are very pretty
> options available if you're into that kind of thing), but I
> have tried installing and starting up another window manager
> (no luck) and starting a plain xterm without a window
> manager (still no luck), so I don't think the WM is to
> blame.
> If anybody has any ideas on how to remedy this situation,
> I'd appreciate it. Though it's not pressing due to the magic
> of xterm + GNU screen, 

.. at least you got that right .. :-)

> I just would feel more comfortable knowing that I have that option
> available.

> Thanks,
> Amy

What's your video card? 

I once had the same symptoms with some no-name imbedded chip.. 

Maybe your x.org driver is not up to par .. ??

$ man chvt 

# chvt 2 

.. you need to be root, though ..

.. lemme .. us .. know what happens ..


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