On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 09:07:45 -0700, Lorenas Bartkus wrote:
>I'm new in debian and previosly i used windows xp. now i decided to try
>debian for the first time.

Welcome to Debian.  I hope your stay will be long and enjoyable :-)

>i have downloaded boot cd to install debian from network, in the
>bigining everything gone well but when i was asked to choose the mirror
>i can't.  because it was said no version in this server (i have debian
>4.0). my internet connection is pppoe.
>i have read that pppoe is supported to install debian via network.
>maybe i did somethig wrong?

Yes, it should be supported.

>by the way now it is installed only basical system of debian (i think)
>i can just use terminal to make a commands.

That's as it should be.  The basic system for a network install is VERY
minimal.  Don't worry though, once you've got the basic configuration
done you'll have access to more GUI bling than you can shake a stick at.

>is there any way to configure my pppoe connection and upgrade the
>system? what commands i shoud use?

Do you have access to the web on another system?  Then this page
hopefully helps:


Once your network is set up you need to do the basic configuration:

Then you can proceed to install packages.

Please hold on for a little bit with this, I suspect that you'll get
more answers to your email.  Some may offer angles and solutions I
haven't thought of.  Apply own thought as required :-)


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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