On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 17:09 -0400, Orestes Leal wrote:
> Hi Folks, I need a 'direct' download (with suport for resume) for download
> de Linux version of doom3, I have the original 3 CDs so the only thing
> that I need it´s the .run? or whatever for linux, any help will be
> thankfully appreciated,


Go to the game's website http://www.doom3.com/ -> Updates and look
through the sites provided there. If they don't give direct links
(usually they have some form of queue and authorization) you can try
putting the file name in a search engine. Strange it's not readily
available at id Software's site, though... Maybe look somewhere in
ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/doom3/ - but the server seems to be
down now.

Krzysztof Lubanski

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