For what it is worth:

I would start by learning C.  Basically, C++, java, php, perl, python all
share enough similarities that they are
rather easy to pick up (Yes I know php, perl and python have less in common
which is why I put them later in the list).

Don't worry about if a language has strong or weak types.

The following tools I have found useful for 90% of what I have done
professionally (sort of in the order that I have found
them useful):

C, SQL, vi, cvs, php, ksh, cron, perl

and for certain problems/situations

lisp, ml, prolog.

If you do start with C, I would consider the following books as a good
starting point:
    The C Programming Language, Kerrigan and Richie
    Expert C Programming, Peter van der linden (?)

The best C++ programming book that I have read is The Design and Evolution
of C++.  Unfortunately, I didn't
find The C++ Programming Language to be useful at all.

Just my 2 cents worth.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Abdelkader Belahcene

> HI,
> There are many and many programming languages (mainly : C,C++,java,
> Shell, Perl, python, php). which learn and use, in which circonstances
> use that language instead of the other.
> In many situations we can use anyone, but which is better.
> thanks a lot
> bela
> ______
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