In <>, lee wrote:
>On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 01:06:03PM -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>> In <>, lee wrote:
>> >I refuse to run a
>> >mysql-server just to get KDE installed. It's already bloated more than
>> >enough. I'm not using the applications that would require the
>> >mysql-server anyway.
>> Then don't install those applications.  Problem solved.
>Yes, I removed them and now KDE is broken. I even tried to get just
>konqueror back to use as a web browser, but that doesn't work without
>the mysql-server :(

That's simply not true.  I've been running 4.2 since it was in experimental 
and I don't have mysql-anything installed there.  Konqueror works fine as 
does kmail.  Calendar and address book are not installed because they both 
need akonadi-server.

Now, on that system I didn't use any of the meta-packages initially.  I 
think I've install kde-minimal since then, but maybe not.  If you are going 
to be picky with dependencies that's the only way to go.

Based on a quick scan of the Depends, it looks like you can install kde-
minimal or kde-standard without mysql.  It also looks like you cannot 
install kaddressbook, korganizer, kpilot, kdepim, or kde-full without mysql.

I also have a kde-full installation on my laptop -- neither are "broken".  
Konqueror still crashes/fails to render more that firefox, the panels don't 
behave correctly all the time, konsole appears to have unlearned how to 
automatically remember the correct window sizing and won't let me turn off 
Ctrl+S/Ctrl+Q, but all of these can be worked around.

>> I hope so, as I would greatly prefer using sqlite or postgresql (both of
>> which are already installed for my own reasons) rather than install a
>> third RDBMS.
>There should be options to use one or another RDBMS --- or none if you
>don't want to.

I happen to know the choice of "none" will not be supported by upstream.  
Akonadi requires an SQL backend, period.  They went with "embeded" mysql 
because, supposedly, they couldn't get the performance they wanted out of 

As I said before, it is possible to use much of KDE without Akonadi, for 

>> However, I do know that the KDE/Qt Debian Maintainers do not have the
>> time to fix it, so you might mention it to upstream.
>How do I do that?

>KDE4 would be nice to have if you can finally have
>the sroll bars on the left ... If not, I don't really care.

I haven't tried this, so I don't know for sure.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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